Pedodontics, also known as pediatric dentistry, is the department that deals with the oral and dental health of children. Pedodontics takes care of children aged 0-13. It aims to protect children's permanent teeth and milk teeth. It aims to eliminate the problems that occur in these teeth due to caries, disease, tooth fractures, hereditary reasons.
Pedodontics, is a dentistry specialty that monitors and treats the oral and dental health of children from birth to adolescence, and the development of the jaw and face area. Pedodontists usually take preventive measures for teeth. Pedodontists (pedodontists); They do all kinds of preventive and therapeutic treatment methods and preventive applications for the oral and dental health of babies, children and young people.
Pedodontics (pediatric dentistry) applies treatments such as filling, root canal treatment, stainless steel crown, amputation, strip crown, placeholder, child prosthesis, fluoride, fissure sealant to children aged 0-13. For milk teeth, special fillings called compomer are applied by the pediatric dentist. These fillings, which ensure the healthy preservation of milk teeth; It can be applied in many colors such as yellow, pink, green, blue, red, and white, which increases the motivation of children.
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Pedodontics preventive applications are studies aimed at preventing dental caries in children. Superficial fluoride and fissure sealant treatments are among the pedodontic protective applications.
Fluoride Applications
Fluorine is an element that prevents tooth decay and strengthens teeth. Fluorine strengthens the enamel and protects the tooth from acid attacks. Therefore, it prevents the formation of dental caries. Superficial fluoride applications are performed by the dentist every 6 months.
Fissure Sealant
It is the process of filling the fissures of the teeth with the help of a filler. Thanks to this process, it is aimed to prevent decays by protecting dental health.
Dental Traumas
It is frequently encountered with traumatic injuries in childhood. The treatment is applied by taking into account many different factors such as the patient's age and the degree of injury.
In the early loss of primary teeth, appliances called space holders are placed in the patient's mouth in order to protect the position of the permanent tooth that will come from below. Placeholders help prevent future orthodontic disorders by preventing other teeth from slipping into the gap in the mouth. You can contact us about the prices of braces for your children. These treatments are carried out under the control of an orthodontist.
Tooth decay
Tooth decay is a disease that starts with the destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth by the acids released from the food. Especially in early childhood, milk tooth caries are frequently encountered. The reason for this is that the habit of brushing teeth in childhood is not acquired regularly.
In the 0-8 years old childhood, mixing foods such as honey, sugar or biscuits into the milk that is drunk, adversely affects the oral hygiene of the children. The bruises that occur in such cases are called bottle cavities. Tooth extraction is performed to allow new teeth to emerge.
Today, dental treatments have given birth to different pediatric dentistry approaches in dentistry with scientific developments. Pediatric dentistry approaches such as prevention of caries rather than treatment of caries have emerged. However, caries treatment methods have also changed and less invasive methods have been applied.
Treating or preventing cavities and tooth loss in children has also become preventive of many problems that arise from relieving the child's pain and gaining chewing function. Since many processes such as the child's psychological development and facial development are affected by this situation, it has also contributed to the child's normal life process.
A number of caries risk assessment methods have been developed. These methods are used to understand how often and at what level protective applications should be applied in children.