Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom tooth extraction is divided into 2 types as impacted and semi-impacted. The posterior molars, which make up 4 of 32 teeth anatomically and are likely to erupt in every human being, are called wisdom teeth. In some people; Since the jaw structure is small, there is no gap in the place where the tooth tries to come out, which means that the jawbone and skin are exhausted when the tooth comes out, so pain is observed as the first signs of eruption and the crookedness of the other teeth accelerates.

Because it puts pressure on the jaw, it can cause jaw pain, headache thought to be migraine, nausea, and if it is inflamed, leaking microbes can cause sore throat and swelling of the tonsils. It is observed that wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 30. It may not occur in everyone, it is a completely genetic condition. In addition, inflammation of the tooth can cause nausea, sore throat and high fever. Wisdom tooth extraction surgery is usually not difficult, but heals in a period of 1-2 weeks. Gaps in the palate after wisdom tooth extraction can be treated with orthodontics.

Adults have a total of 32 teeth. Wisdom teeth, on the other hand, are located at the very end of the tooth row in the lower and upper jaws. Wisdom teeth have lost their functionality over time, and if the human jaw has a small structure, it can only be large enough to fit 28 or 30 teeth. If your other teeth are healthy and you don't have tooth loss, you don't need wisdom teeth at all.

We bring you beautiful and healthy smiles with the best and appropriate treatment.

Wisdom tooth extraction difficult?

Impacted wisdom tooth extraction is difficult depending on the position of the roots. The fact that tooth extraction is a bit more difficult than normal is easily understood as a result of the chin film. In both cases, since local anesthesia will be taken, there is no pain or pain. On the contrary, after the tooth extraction process is completed, there is a great relief in the mouth.

As a fast, effective and practical solution, in case of wisdom toothache, rinse your mouth with salt water and let the salt water touch the places that cannot be reached with a toothbrush. You can gargle with a mouthful of water and a teaspoon of salt, which can help you reduce gum pain and inflammation on your own without medication. Make sure the water is not hot before use. Do this several times during the day. Chlorhexidine can also be used together with antibacterial mouthwash to reduce inflammation. Pain reliever tablets such as paracetamol derivatives or ibuprofen derivatives can also help in the short term. But if you have toothache and wisdom teeth problems, please consult your doctor first.

Is wisdom teeth extraction

Will the wisdom tooth come out and if it does, should the wisdom tooth be extracted? The question is usually the first question that our patients who have this problem ask their physicians. If the situation has progressed enough to see the doctor, it will be positive in terms of oral health and aesthetics. The situations where the tooth will not be extracted can be summarized as follows.

In the case that the tooth is healthy and at the same time does not harm oral health.

In cases where the tooth has completely erupted. The only tooth that comes out should be placed correctly and should not disturb the alignment of the other teeth.


Sometimes wisdom teeth are only partially exposed. Other times, it remains completely hidden. Wisdom teeth can grow inside the jaw, sometimes upside down, horizontally or at various angles inside the jaw. This distorts the tooth structure and distorts other teeth.

Wisdom teeth can sometimes appear partially integrated with the gums. It is known that this situation can cause gingival diseases, as well as having a magnet effect for microbes and bacteria. Half erupted impacted teeth should definitely be extracted.

If you have other oral problems, wisdom tooth extraction is not always a last resort. You should discuss in detail with your dentist whether impacted tooth extraction is mandatory and the condition of your wisdom tooth, and you should be examined.

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Bedir Mahallesi Cevreyolu Caddesi No:137 Selcuklu / Konya
0 539 709 19 19


You can contact us for detailed information about your questions and treatments.

Bedir Mahallesi Cevreyolu Caddesi No:137 Selcuklu / Konya
0 539 709 19 19

Ahmet Can Uzumcuoglu

By determining together the most appropriate treatment for you, I bring you the most beautiful smiles.

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Dt. Ahmet Can Uzumcuoglu  Oral and Dental Health © 2022 All rights reserved.
