· If you have at least 1 or more missing teeth,
· If you have a jawbone that has completed its growth,
· If your bones are sufficient to fix the implants or if you can make bone grafts,
· If you have healthy oral tissue,
· If you do not have diseases that may cause negative effects in terms of bone healing,
· If you cannot or do not want to wear dentures,
· If you want to improve your speaking,
· If you are ready to endure the process for a few months.
In order to provide pain control, anesthesia options during the operation include local anesthesia, general anesthesia or sedation. The most suitable option for you is evaluated by your doctor.
Your dental care team will provide you with a list of what to eat or drink before surgery, depending on what type of anesthesia will be administered. If sedation or general anesthesia is administered, someone will need to drive you home after the operation and it is recommended that you rest at home.
Dental implant surgery is an outpatient surgery that is usually done in stages. The process of placing a dental implant involves many steps, including:
· Damaged tooth extraction,
· When necessary, preparation of the jawbone (grafting),
· Dental implant placement,
· Bone growth and recovery,
· Bridge layout,
· Placement of artificial tooth.
This process can take months. Most of the time will be spent waiting for the new bone in the jaw to grow and heal. Depending on your situation, the special treatments performed or the materials used, some steps can sometimes be combined.