Even if you use the most professional toothbrush, the highest quality dental floss and the number one toothbrush recommended by the experts, there is always the possibility of tartar accumulation on your teeth. As the plaque that forms settles on your teeth, the bacteria in it begin to feed on the food residues left on the teeth and then produce acid, which is very harmful for your teeth. This plaque hardens over time and turns into tartar, and cleaning this tartar is much more difficult than cleaning the first bacterial plaque.
Tartar, more commonly known as tartar, is a condition that can be encountered even by people who regularly brush their teeth and maintain their dental care. The layer of bacteria that accumulates in the mouth comes together with protein and food particles left after a meal, forming a sticky plaque on your teeth. After this plaque covers all of your teeth, it continues to produce bacteria that harm both your teeth and gums by infiltrating under your gums. As a result of this cycle, a harmful and hard layer called tartar or tartar is formed.
As we just mentioned, tartar forms under the teeth and along the gum line. This hard and porous layer can cause very serious gum diseases, so it is essential to clean the calculus with the help of a professional dentist.
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The damages that tartar can cause to the teeth and gums are of the type that can lead to serious dental and oral diseases. Harmful bacteria and formations that constantly move in the mouth can damage the natural structure of the teeth and cause infections and inflammations that are dangerous for your dental health. If tartar is not treated properly and on time, it can even lead to tooth loss. Here are some of the known harms of tartar:
· Makes it difficult to brush and floss: You cannot clean your teeth effectively and efficiently because of the hard and sticky tartar plaque.
· It causes cavities on teeth. Bacteria that constantly eat the enamel of the tooth can cause cavities and cavities on the tooth over time.
· The tartar layer formed on the gum line causes many different progressive gum diseases, especially gingivitis.
· If the dental pockets are also infected with tartar, it can damage the tissue and bones that hold your teeth in place.
· According to the latest research, harmful bacteria in tartar can cause many serious chronic diseases, including heart diseases.
Although there are measures you can take at home for tartar removal, the only solution from the moment tartar formation starts is to seek support from a professional dentist. In some patients, tartar layer may form due to insufficient oral and dental care, while in others, genetically excessive tartar accumulation may occur regardless of the care shown to oral care. Whatever the reason, it is useful to seek professional help from the moment tartar and tartar accumulation starts.
Tartar removal is a treatment method that can extend to the back of the gum line and destroys the bacterial plaque that accumulates there. This treatment is different from standard tooth cleaning and requires a more in-depth oral cleaning.
There are two basic methods of removing tartar. One of them is the calculus removal method using manual dental materials. In this method, the tartar plaque on each of your teeth is carefully scraped and cleaned using a special metal tartar removal apparatus. Again, a thin cleaning apparatus used in this method provides deep cleaning by placing it on the gum line where the toothbrush cannot reach. Another calculus removal technique that is an alternative to this method is root arrangement. Root arrangement is known as a method that goes down to the surface of the tooth root and provides the deepest cleaning that can be done. In this cleaning method, in which similar apparatus and techniques are used with tartar cleaning, the surface of the root is smoothed and the entire mouth frame, including the tooth root, is cleared of the tartar layer.